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Best Photoshop Gradient Pack free download

The gradient tool can be used to draw linear, radial, angular, reflected or diamond gradients. To use the gradient tool go to the Options bar and click on the gradient ramp (see Figure 1) to select a gradient option such as Foreground to Background color, or click on the small arrow to the right to open the gradient list (see Figure 2). When you drag with the gradient tool inside an image window, a gradient fill is created between those two points. If you hold down the Shift key as you do this, you can constrain the gradient angle to a horizontal/vertical or 45 degree angle. If you check the Reverse box you can reverse the gradient fill colors before you drag. It is probably a good idea to keep the Dither checkbox checked, as this will add subtle noise, ensuring there is less risk of any banding appearing in the gradient fill. When the Transparency box is checked, if there are transparency masks in a gradient, these will be recognized.

Photoshop Gradient Pack free download:

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